US Patent
The best 3-dimensional physics simulation
Use large-screen devices for these simulations
Boat Rescue Problem
Soccer Free Kick
Projectile Problem
Newton's Cannon
Newton's Gravity
Gravitational Assist - Sling Shot
Newton's Second Law Experiment
Newton's Second Law Problem
Measure Static Friction Coefficient
Static & Kinetic Friction
Normal Force
Atwood Machine
Projectile Problem Calculator
Hunter & Monkey Problem
Ballistic Cart
Newton's Cooling Law
Newton's Light Spectrum
Relative Velocity 1D
Relative Velocity 2D
1d Collision Problem
2d Collision Problem
Loop The Loop
Measure Moment of Inertia of a Disk
Measure Moment of Inertia of a Ring
Moment of Inertia - Rolling Object
Which object rolls down faster?
Centripetal Force
Centripetal Force Problem
Car on a Banked Road Problem 1
Car on a Banked Road Problem 2
Conservation of Momentum
Conservation of Angular Momentum
Conservation of Energy
Simple Pendulum
Physical Pendulum
Ballistic Pendulum
Torsion Pendulum Problem
Spring Compression
Pendulum & Spring System
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
Hooke's Law
Dropping Mass on Oscillating Mass
Sun and Earth
Earth's Magnetic Field
Measuring the Earth's Circumference
Measuring the Earth-Moon Distance
Measuring the Earth-Sun Distance
Kepler's First Law
Kepler's Second Law
Kepler's Third Law
Periodic Table
Newton's Cradle
Jumping on Planets
Wind Aerodynamics
Uphill Motion
Downhill Motion
Projectile Motion
Elastic & Inelastic Collisions
Static Equilibrium 1
Static Equilibrium 2
Static Equilibrium 3
Galileo's Inclined Plane
Perfect Elastic Collision
Elastic Energy
Perfect Elastic Collision Problem
Fermat's Principle of Least Time
Plane Mirror
Total Internal Reflection
Refraction - Three Layers
Snell's Law
Convex Mirror
Concave Mirror
Convex Lens
Concave Lens
Two Convex Lenses
Light Diffraction
Water Interference Pattern
Doppler Effect
Intensity of Sound Wave
Archimedes' Principle
Pascal' Principle
Apparent Weight
Buoyant Force
Bernoulli's Principle
What is an ideal gas?
Isothermal Process
Isobaric Process
Isovolumetric Process
Adiabatic Process
A Cyclic Process
A Carnot Engine
PV Diagram for a Refrigerator
Heat Resistance
Inductive Reactance
Faraday's Law of Induction
Ampere's Law
Lorentz Force
Biot - Savart's Law
Charge to Mass Ratio Electron
Milikan's Oil Drop Exp
J.J. Thomson's Experiment
Air Table Lab
Rotation & Translation Lab
Density Lab
Measure g Lab
Ballistic Pendulum Lab
Angular Inertia Lab
Newton's Second Law Lab
Torsion Pendulum Lab
Simple Pendulum Lab
Conservation of Energy Lab
Centripetal Force Lab
Thermal Energy Lab
Charges & Forces Lab
Electrostatic Lab Part 1
Electrostatic Lab Part 2
Electrostatic Lab Part 3
Electric Field Lab
Gauss' Law Lab
Electric Potential Lab
Capacitor Lab
Resistance & Resistivity Lab
Simple Circuits Lab
Multi-Loop Circuit Lab
Magnetic Force Lab
Induction Lab
Electromagnetic Spectrum Lab
Magnetic Fields Due to Currents Lab
Maxwell's Equations Lab
Ray Optics Lab
Neon Light Sign
Faraday Cage
Magnetic Field Solenoid Mapping
Axial Magnetic Field inside Solenoid
Measure Magnetic Permeability
Orbital Quadrature
Hall Effect
Compton Effect
Meissner Effect
Forces on current-carrying wires
Electromotive Force in Inductors
Charge in Electric Field
Charge in Magnetic Field
Eddy Current
Magnetic Shunt
Magnetic Domains
Orsted's Compass
Compass in Magnetic Field
Van de Graaff Generator
AC Generator
DC Generator
Electric Flux
Magnetic Flux
Electrostatic Repulsion
Equipotential Surfaces 2 Points
Equipotential Surfaces Capacitor
Equipotential Surfaces Point & Plate
Equipotential Surfaces Point & Shell
Electric Field of Charged Particles
E Field & E Potential of Rings
E Field & E Potential of a Charged Disk
E Field of an Infinite Line of Charge
Electric Field of a Spherical Shell
E Field of an Infinite Charged Sheet
E Field of 2 // Charged Metal Plates
Adding Vectors
Coulomb's Law
Coulomb's Law 3 Charges
Coulomb's Law 4 Charges
Ohm's Law
Resistance in a Wire
Wheatstone Bridge for Resistors
Wheatstone Bridge for Capacitors
Equivalent Capacitance
Capacitor with a Dielectric
Capacitor Charging/Discharging
Capacitor - Electric Motor
DC Circuits
Delta-Star Transformation
Star - Delta Transformation
RC Circuit
RL Circuit
RC Circuit Application
RLC Series Resonance
RLC Parallel Resonance
Helmholtz Coil
Galaxy & Black Hole
Gravitational Lensing
Electromagnetic Waves
Huygen measured the speed of light
Measuring the speed of light
Atomic Emission Spectra
Atomic Spectra Experiment
Polarized Light
Einstein's Imaginary Elevator
Einstein's Spacetime
Time Dilation
Length Contraction
Black Body Radiation
Photoelectric Effect
Energy Levels of Hygrogen
Quantum Entanglement
Schrodinger's Cat